Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Loving Reminder: True Friendship

A Loving Reminder:
Ointment and incense make the heart rejoice, likewise the sweetness of one’s friend from sincere counsel. Proverbs 27:9 

My lovelies,
We should choose our close friends wisely. I have a close friend whom I don't have to pretend with. We are as transparent with each other as we can be. We are kindred spirits. We always point to God, holding each other accountable, even when the truth stings. Proverbs 27:6 says Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. Because she and I know each other well, we are able to pray for each other with true intention.

Our sisterhood blossomed during a very dark time in my life. She brought God's light and love with her. God used her to draw me back to him at a moment when I started walking away. She is a sister that was born for a time of adversity.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Proverbs 17:17

We all should have at least one friend whom we could be completely honest with, knowing that we will not be judged harshly, but instead have the Truth spoken to us lovingly. 
Father, I come before your throne with a grateful heart and full of praise. I thank you for the friend that You placed in my life, knowing that she will always point to you. I thank you that I have someone I can be fully transparent with knowing that she will not judge me, but lovingly speak Truth to me. Father, I pray that I too be that friend. Not only for her but for others as well. Father I ask that you appoint heavenly friendships for all of my lovelies. Friendships that are transparent and always speaking truth. Friendships that bring wise sincere counsel, but most important friendships that always point to you. In your precious and powerful name, Jesus, Amen! 

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