Friday, March 15, 2013

A Loving Reminder: He Watches Over Us

My lovelies, A Loving Reminder: The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. (Zephaniah 3:17 ESV)

One of my favorite verses!! When my daughter was a baby she had trouble sleeping so My husband and I had lots of sleepless nights. Most nights she would simply be comforted by me rocking her to sleep while singing to her 'Here I am To Worship'. (I can't sing, certainly not one of my gifts, but i brought it with love, and to her it was comforting, :)) Every time I read and meditate on this verse I envision myself a child in the arms of my father and he quieting me with his love and comforting me with His song. Can you imagine that.. He sings over us and quiets us with His Love! My lovelies close your eyes for a minute and soak that verse in...

Father, I come to your throne boldly thanking you, for your unchanging love! Thanking you because you are everlasting! Thanking you because you love us despite of us! Thanking you because you meet us right where we are, in the midst of our hurt, our pain, our troubles. Thank you because you meet us at the 'well' (John 4:1-54). The 'well' of hurt, loneliness, depression, disease, financial struggles, etc.. Thank you for extending your hand out to us and offering us eternity. But most of all thank you for your patience with us. Father I come on behalf of my lovelies, asking that if any need a 'personal encounter' with you, that you reveal yourself and meet them at their 'well', where ever and whatever that may be. I ask that you sing over them and you quiet them with your love. In your precious name, Jesus, Amen


  1. Ali, I'm running out of "big verbs"! Touching! It is wonderful how God will use the simple things of life to reveal to us more of the spiritual. Thank you for your prayer. I am one of your "lovelies"! Will you consider allowing me to regularly post your blogs on my ministry website? If you grant permission, I would assume I can post any of them unless you advise me otherwise. Tim

    1. :) I love it! Absolutely!! Please share! God's love is free and for all!!! God Bless you Tim!


A Loving Reminder: Keep Going

We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destr...